MA8704 Probability Theory and Asymptotic Methods
- [08/11] All candidates passed the exam today! Congratulations!
- [02/11] The oral exam will take place Monday, December 8, in room 822 (S2), 09:00 - 14:00. You are all requested to show up at 09:00 to pick a time for your exam. Professor Tyssedal will be the external examiner. Everything we have lectured is part of our curriculum and you need to know and understand the important concepts, but the emphasis during examination will be on chapters 5-7.
- [28/10] The lectures on Thursday, October 30, and Tuesday, November 4, are cancelled/postponed. On Thursday, November 6, we start with Chapter 7.
- [12/09] The lectures on Tuesday, September 16, and Thursday, September 18, are cancelled/postponed. On Tuesday, September 23, we start with Chapter 4.
- [04/09] The lecture on Tuesday, September 9, is cancelled. The lecture on Thursday, September 11, will be given by Linghua Chen.
- [25/08] The lecture tomorrow starts on page 20 of the textbook. The preceding is assumed known to you.
- [18/08] Welcome to the home page of MA 8704 Probability Theory and Asymptotic Methods. Our first meeting will be Thursday, August 21 in room 822, Sentralbygg 2, at 14:15. Welcome!
- Alan F. Karr. Probability, 1993, Springer Verlag.
- The curriculum are the chapters and sections that will be listed under 'Lectures' to appear below. NB! The lectures may be modified as we go along.
Professor Arvid Næss. Office: 1144, Sentralbygg 2. Email:
- Lectures : Tuesdays in room 734 (S2): 12:15-14
- Lectures : Thursdays in room 734 (S2): 12:15-14 (except 4/9: room 922)
- Exam: