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Lecture Plan and Progress

Week Chapter Topic Download Remark
2 Ch. 1 Introductory meeting Decision on lecture times
3 Ch. 2 Overview of supervised learning Slides Ch. 2 4 hrs lecture (no exercises)
4 Ch. 3.1-3.4 Linear methods for regression Slides Ch. 3, Maximization result
5 Rest of Ch. 3, except 3.7-3.8 Linear methods for regression Multivariate prediction and regression
6 Ch. 4, except 4.4.3 and 4.5 Linear methods for classification Slides Ch. 4
7 Ch. 5, except 5.8, 5.9 and Appendix Basis expansions and regularization Slides Ch. 5
8 Ch. 6 Kernel smoothing methods Kernel density estimation No lecture on Thursday 23 February. Trial exam.
9 Ch. 7 (7.7, 7.8, 7.9 and 7.12 are not in curriculum) Model assessment and selection Slides Ch. 7
10 Ch. 7.10-7.11 and some remaining issues from 7.1-7.6. 8.1, 8.2, 8.7. Model selection and inference
11 Ch. 9.1 (not all details), 9.2. INTRODUCTION: Ch. 8.1, 8.2.1, 8.2.2 Additive models, trees, and related methods (bagging, random forests) Bookchapter (B. Ripley: Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks),
Example: Pruning and cross-validation
Additional reading: Ch. 3 in "Berk: Statistical Learning".
12 Ch. 12.1, 12.2, (skim 12.3). INTRODUCTION: Ch. 9.1-9.3 Support Vector Machines
13 Ch. 10.1-10.5. INTRODUCTION: Ch. 8.2.3 Boosting and additive trees Additional reading: Ch. 6 in "Berk: Statistical Learning".
14 Ch. 11 Neural Networks Additional reading: Ch. 8.1 in "Berk: Statistical Learning".
15 Easter vacation
16 Final meeting on Thursday April 20 Summing-up No lecture on Tuesday 18 April (NTNU no teaching day)
2017-04-19, Bo Henry Lindqvist