30 May 2011: The grading is found
13 May 2011: The exam will be held in auditorium F2 on May 19, from 09:00 to 13:00.
26 April 2011: The final curriculum for the exam is found by clicking on 'Curriculum' in the upper left menu of these pages. It corresponds to what was announced during the last lecture.
22 March 2011: Here is the
trial exam 2011. See message from 11 March for instructions. Good luck!
11 March 2011: There will be no lectures Tuesday 22 March. Instead a trial exam can be downloaded from this message list in the morning. The exam is not obligatory, but you may submit your answers in my mailbox at Department of Mathematical Sciences, 7th floor, SB II, or at the Department office in the same floor. The submitted answers will be corrected and commented.
24 February 2011: A note on "Kernel density estimation" can be downloaded from the "Lecture Plan and Progress"
08 February 2011: Lectures Tuesdays 8:15-10 will be in S23 the rest of the semester
07 February 2011: NOTE: LECTURES WILL BE IN S23 ALSO 8.15-10 TOMORROW
01 February 2011: I just learnt that there is an R-package
ElemStatLearn which inlcudes data sets, functions and examples from the course book.
01 February 2011: On February 8 I have reserved the room S23 also for the 8-10 lecture, since I think it is a more convenient room. We may, however, still keep the old room KJL21 if you think it is better. Send me an email about your opinion!
01 February 2011: The suggested date of exam is Thursday May 19. There will be a 4 hours written exam without book or notes. The date is still under discussion and can be changed if someone has important objections.
20 January 2011: The assignments are not meant to be obligatory, but you are encouraged to work with the given problems before going to class. They will be discussed in class on the day indicated.You are not supposed to deliver the assignments on paper. Some of the exercises may indeed be difficult, depending on your background.
19 January 2011: I have now reserved room S23 (Sentralbygg II, second floor) for Tuesdays 12:15-14:00
12 January 2011: Lectures will be Tuesdays 8:15-10:00 in KJL21, Tuesdays 12:15-14:00 in room 656 SB II
21 December 2010: Preliminary meeting 12 January 2011, at 13:15, Room 922 SB II
21 December 2010: If you plan to take the course, please send me an email before 12 Janaury