MA8205 Representation theory of algebras
The oral exams will take place on June 1st and 14th.I have made an exam plan and sent it to the people on it. If you are planning to take the exam and have not received an exam time please contact me as soon as possible.
For an overview over the content of the course, see the course description page.
Steffen Oppermann, room 844, Sentralbygg II, Steffen [dot] Oppermann [at] ntnu [dot] no
Lectures will be on Mondays from 12:15 to 14:00, and on Thursdays from 08:15 to 10:00.
From January 24th, we will be in F4 (in "Gamle Fysikk"). Note that this can change back to Zoom at any point.
There will be exercises more or less every week. These will appear here and or be announced during lectures, and we will discuss them during lectures.
Exercises for January 24th
Exercises for January 31st
Exercises for February 7th
Exercises for February 14th
Exercises for February 21st
Exercises for February 28th
Exercises for March 7th
Exercises for March 14th
Exercises for March 21st
Exercises for March 28th
Exercises for April 4th
Exercises for April 25th
I uploaded the pdfs I created during the online Zoom lectures. (There is a good chance that there are mistakes and or gaps where I explained something only orally. Consult these notes at your own risk.)
January 13th
January 17th
January 20th
Thomas and Endre kindly agreed to share the notes they have been taking during the lectures.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12 Monday, Thursday
Week 13
Week 14
The content of the course is what will presented during lectures. Most of this content can also be found in both the following books:
Maurice Auslander, Idun Reiten, and Sverre O. Smalø, Representation theory of Artin algebras, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 36
Ibrahim Assem, Daniel Simson, and Andrzej Skowronski, Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 1: Techniques of Representation Theory, London Mathematical Society Student Texts 65
Michael Barot, Introduction to the Representation Theory of Algebras, Springer, available on SpringerLink (provided you are on or surf through campus)
Alexander Zimmermann, Representation Theory, A Homological Algebra Point of View, Springer, available on SpringerLink (provided you are on or surf through campus)