The Stratonovich Integral
The Stratonovich stochastic integral is an alternative to the Ito integral. Write a short essay about the Stratonovich integral based on Øksendal and other relevant literature. Use our notation and review main properties and important results (Obviously, there are advanced results not so easily available. Do not spend time on those).
The Kalman-Buzy Filter
The Kalman-Buzy filter is described in Chapter 6 in Øksendal and is a very important application of stochastic differential equations. The chapter contains several examples, and 2-3 students could actually study this chapter and select different examples for their main study. There are also numerous other references available for this topic.
The Black-Scholes Model and the Pricing of Options
The Black-Scholes model is the most famous application of stochastic differential equations to Financial mathematics. The model is described in Chapter 12 in Øksendal and in numerous other places. Also this project can easily accommodate more than one student. It may be worthwhile to look for some simpler treatments. The book of Thomas Mikosch is one option. Norwegian students could see the book Matematisk Finans by Fred Espen Benth. See also the discussion in Øksendal and Evans.
Levy Processes
Brownian motion is a simple example of a Levy Process, but this class of stochastic processes is much wider. A characteristic feature is that the paths may have jumps. This project may be a bit hard without any prior knowledge.
Complex Brownian Motion
This project requires some prior investigations and may not be very suitable, since my own knowledge of complex Brownian motion amounts to Exercise 5.14 in Øksendal. The projectclearly requires some knowledge of complex analysis.
Numerical Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations.
This is a wide field suitable for students with some programming and numerics background. The project could study some of the suggested numerical methods and their behaviour for equations with known, explicit solutions.
The book by Kloeden and Platen: Numerical Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations is a classic in this field.
Projects Based on Exercises in Øksendal.
Some exercises in Chapter 5 could be expanded into an essay:
Exercise 5.12: Linear pendulum subject to random perturbations
Exercise 5.13: Slow drift of ships and áoating platforms subject to random wave forcing.
Exercise 5.15: Population growth in a stochastic, crowded environment. There are various other related models that could also be studied.
Exercise 5.16: Use of integrating factors for solving various SDEs.
Exercise 5.18: The geometric mean reversion process (see also 5.7) and applications.
Open Projects
All students are free to find other topics which they have found interesting, but we should then have a discussion before starting serious work.