MA3204 Homological Algebra Fall 2018
- An extra lecture will be given on Monday, November 26.
- A tentative schedule for the final exam is up. Please check it and make sure that everything works for you.
- I will be available for questions Tuesday November 27 (10-12, 13-16), Wednesday November 28 (13-16) and Friday November 30 (10-12, 13-16).
Official Course Description
The course description can be found here.
Information about the lectures
Louis-Philippe Thibault; room 801 Sentralbygg II;
Office hours
Simply e-mail me if you want to meet!
Lecture schedule
Note that the room is NOT the same as the one officially given by the university.
Day | Time | Room |
Monday | 15:15-17:00 | 734, Sentralbygg II |
Friday | 10:15-12:00 |
We will have an exercise session during the last hour of the Monday lecture, starting on week 36.
The last lecture is on Monday, November 26, 2018.
Our main source will be the following notes by Steffen Oppermann. Please be aware that these likely contain typos and/or mistakes.
These are also good references:
- Joseph J. Rotman, An introduction to Homological Algebra, first edition
- Joseph J. Rotman, An introduction to Homological Algebra, second edition
- Charles A. Weibel, An introduction to Homological Algebra
- Sergei I. Gelfand, Yuri I. Manin, Methods of Homological Algebra , second edition
Final exam
The final exam will be an oral exam. Everything discussed in class or in the exercises is material for the exam.