MA 3203 Ring Theory Spring 2023
Welcome to the Ring theory course!
- Dear students! The Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IE) is sending out a questionnaire-based student evaluation for courses taught at IE. Please help us to improve our teaching by answering this survey in the course MA3203 Ring Theory The survey closes on May 5. (You answer anonymously, but need to log in with Feide for safety reasons.)
- Note that the time and place for the lectures will change on Thursdays. This will happen from the 2nd of March. The new time will be 14:15-16:00, and the lectures will be in room H2 in Hovedbygningen.
- The meetings will be held by Jacob Fjeld Grevstad for the first month.
Official Course Description
Course Info
- Tuesdays 14.15-16.00 in room K26 in Kjemiblokk 4.
- Thursdays 14.15-16.00 in room H2 in Hovedbygningen.
The first meeting is Tuesday, January 10th, and the last meeting is Thursday, May 4th.
- Sondre Kvamme
- Office Hours: Just contact me by email!
- Jacob Fjeld Grevstad
Course plan
We will use a flipped classroom for this course. This means that you will watch videos outside of class (produced by Øyving Solberg) and during class we will solve exercises together. I also plan to give you the opportunity to present your solutions during class. This will be a good preparation for the exam, which is oral.
In order for this approach to be successfu you are expected to do the following:
- Watch and try to understand the videos before class.
- Come to class and try to participate actively as much as possible.
- Please inform me by email if you are not able to come to a class.
There will be an oral exam.
Syllabus/Topics Covered
- Quivers, path algebras, and representations of quivers
- Finite length modules
- Radicals of rings and modules
- Projective modules
- Artin algebras
- Categories and functors
- The Krull-Remak-Schmidt Theorem
- Injective modules and socles
- Duality
Here are some relevant textbooks
- Authors: M. Auslander, I. Reiten, and S. O. Smalø
- Title: Representation theory of Artin algebras, Cambridge studies in mathematics 36
- Publisher: Cambridge University Press
- Edition: Second edition
- Year: 1995
- ISBN: 0-521-59923-7
- Authors: I. Assem, D. Simson, and A. Skowroński
- Title: Elements of the representation theory of associative algebras, vol 1: techniques of representation theory, London Mathematical Society student textss 65
- Publisher: Cambridge University Press
- Edition: First edition
- Year: 2006
- ISBN: 978-0-521-58631-3
Reference Group
Please contact one of the following people if you have comments or feedback regarding the course:
- Denis Bondarenko Bergmann:
- Trond Elias Ødegård :
- Ulrik Sørgaard Djupvik :
First Meeting: 22nd February
Second Meeting: 22nd March