MA3203 Ring theory, spring 2015

Description of the course can be found in the study catalog.


* June 1st, 2015: Office hours: June 2nd, June 3rd and June 4th, 13:00-15:00, room 854, SBII.

* April 27th, 2015: Office hours: May 11th, May 12th and May 13th, 13:00-15:00, room 854, SBII.

* April 21st, 2015: Today's lecture: Finish what we didn't finish last time and Problemsheet 4+ and 5.

* April 20th, 2015: Today's lecture: More on injective modules, the socle of a module and a representation.

* April 14th, 2015: Today's lecture: Injective modules, essential submodules and injective envelope, Problemsheet 4+ and 5.

* April 13th, 2015: Today's lecture: The duality functor.

* March 17th, 2015: Today's lecture: The evaluation functor, basic algebras and Problemsheet 4.

* March 16th, 2015: Today's lecture: The evaluation functor.

* March 10th, 2015: Today's lecture: Problemsheet 4.

* March 9th, 2015: Today's lecture: Morphisms of functors, equivalence of categories and the evaluation functor.

* March 3rd, 2015: Today's lecture: Functors and preadditive catgories.

* January 13th, 2015: The Thursday lecture has been moved from 10:15-12:00, S22, to Tuesday 16:15-18:00, B21.

* January 7th, 2015: The Thursday lecture has been moved from 14:15-16:00, R30, to Thursday 10:15-12:00, S22.

* January 2nd, 2015: We meet January 5th 14:15 in S22 for the first lecture and to discuss the schedule.

2015-06-01, Øyvind Solberg