Ringtheory - Spring 2010
13.1: Next lecture: Thursday 14.1. 16.15-18-00, then Monday 18.1 15.15-17.00
17.1: Note that the Monday lectures will be in room 656, 6th floor SII.
24.1: Exercise sheet 1 is now out
24.1: There will be lectures Monday 25.1 and Thursday 28.1, Monday 1.2 there will be an exercise session, while Thursday 4.2 there will be no class
11.2: Exercise sheet 2 is now out. The exercises will be discussed Thusday 25.2
11.2: There will be no lecture Monday 22.2.
19.2: Exercise sheet 3 is now out. The exercises will be discussed Thursday 4.3
1.3: New day and time for lectures: from next week (8.3-14.3) there will no lectures on Thursdays, instead there will be lectures on Wednesdays 14.15-16.00, room 822, SII. NOTE: this week there will be lectures on Monday and Thursday, and NO lecture on Wednesday!
17.3: Exercise sheet 4 is now out. The exercises will be discussed Wednesday 24.3
23.3: Exercise sheet 4 will be discussed 10.15-12.00, Wednesday 24.3. in room R59 (Realfagsbygget) see http://www.math.ntnu.no/~hanche/kurs/fnal/2005v/r59.html
14.4: Exercise sheet 5 is now out. The exercises will be discussed Wednesday 28.4
Aslak Bakke Buan
e-mail: aslakb@math.ntnu.no
telephone: 7355 0289
room: 846, SII
First Lecture
First lecture is Tuesday 12.1 in F3, time: 8.15-10:00.
We might have to change the schedule. Therefore:
if you plan to attend the course, but cannot come to this first lecture, please send me an e-mail, containing your name the an overview of other courses you plan to follow this semester.
The schedule is now final:
Monday 15.15-17.00, 656, SII
Wednesdays 14.15-16.00 (from 10.3), 822, SII (room might chance)
Exercises on Wednesday 24.3 and Wednesday 28.4 (room not clear yet)
The syllabus will be the lectures and the exercises, and almost all material can be found in
the book:
"Representation theory of Artin Algebras" by Auslander, Reiten and Smalø