About this course

Short description

The course builds further on the course TMA4150 Algebra. It gives a basis for further studies in algebra by discussing central classes of rings, and by giving an introduction to the theory of modules. An alternative approach to Jordan canonical form is given as an application of module theory. The course includes Artinian and Noeterian rings and modules, structure theorems for modules over principal ideal domains and for simple and semisimple rings. Jordan canonical form of matrices with application to systems of differential equations is also discussed.


Laertis Vaso
Office: room 802, Sentralbygg 2
Email: laertis (dot) vaso (at) ntnu (dot) no


P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain, S.R. Nagpaul
Basic Abstract Algebra
2nd edition
Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0-521-46629-6


  • Written final exam.
  • Duration: 4 hours.
  • Date and time: 2023-12-12 09:00–13.00.
2023-08-18, laertisv