MA3201 Rings and modules, Fall 2021
*Jeg vil være tilgjengelig for spørsmål og hjelp tirsdag 7., onsdag 8., torsdag 9., og fredag 10. kl 10-12, og mandag 13. kl 10-15. Dere kan også sende en email dersom det er andre tidspunkt som passer bedre.
*Det blir gitt en oppsummeringsforelesning av pensum på mandag 22/11.
*Løsningsforslag for eksamen november 2020 ligger her: Løsningsforslag 2020
- 01.09: The lecture on Mondays will from the 6th of September take place in F4.
- 01.09: From today, it will be possible to see the lectures at:
- 30.08: Next Monday, September 6th, we will go through the first set of exercises.
- 25.08: The lectures on Mondays are moved to F3, Gamle fysikk.
- 19.08: First lecture will be Monday 23rd of August. Exam date is December 14th at 9.
- 09.12: Solutions to Fall 2019 final exam posted.
- Office: SBII, room 850
Teaching/lecturing hours
- Modays 8:15-10:00, F4, Gamle fysikk
- Wednesdays 10:15-12:00, S1
- Portions of some of the lectures will be used as problem sessions.
Office hours
- Wednesdays 13:15-15:00, and also by appointment (just send me an email to set up a time to meet).
- Authors: P. B. Bhattacharya, S. K. Jain and S. R. Nagpaul
- Title: Basic Abstract Algebra
- Publisher:Cambridge University Press
- Edition: Second Edition
- ISBN: 0-521-46629-6