MA3201 Ringer og moduler - fall 2008

The lecurer this fall is Idun Reiten (email adress idunr (at) math (dot) ntnu (dot) no).


(newest on top)

26.11.08:Idun's office hours before the exam are listed in the 'Time & place' section below.
19.11.08:Some old exam problems with solutions can be found at the bottom of the page in the 'Old exam problems' section.
19.11.08:The final curriculum is ready, see in the 'Syllabus' section below.
07.11.08:Problem Sheet 6 is out.
24.10.08:Problem Sheet 5 is now out, and old exams can be found together with the problem sheets.
14.10.08:Problem Sheet 4 is now out.
07.10.08:…and now there is also an English version of the midterm exam from last year.
02.10.08:Problem Sheet 3 is now out.
18.09.08:Problem Sheet 2 is now out. We will go through the exercises on Thursday 25th, but we will start with the exercises we didn't finish last week.
03.09.08:Problem Sheet 1 has been extended with some more exercises, see below. We will go through these exercises on Thursday September 11th.
28.08.08:Those of you who don't have the book yet can find the exercises of Problem sheet 1 here.
28.08.08:We have contacted Tapir about the book, and seven books will arrive tomorrow morning. These books are already booked by students. Another ten books are ordered and will arrive hopefully within two weeks, but we need to know if we need to order even more books. Those of you that still need the book and haven't signed up for it at Tapir before today, please send and email to wralsen (at) math (dot) ntnu (dot) no as soon at possible so that we can count you! Note that this is not a reservation for the book, for that you need to contact Tapir.
22.08.08:The lecture on Monday 25th will be in F3.
21.08.08:The next lecture will be Monday 14:15 - 16:00. Location will be announced.

Time & place

The schedule will be as follows:

Thursdays 08:15 - 10:00 in F3
Mondays 14:15 - 16:00 in F3

It will be decided later if we will sometimes use Monday 16:15 - 18:00 instead of Monday 14:15 - 16:00.

Office hours before the exam:
Nov 26th, Nov 28th, Dec 1st: 1400-1500
Dec 3rd: 1415-1600


Authors: P. B. Bhattacharya, S. K. Jain and S. R. Nagpaul
Title: Basic Abstract Algebra
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Edition: Second Edition
ISBN: 0-521-46629-6
Tentative syllabus
Chapter 9: All sections
Chapter 10: All sections
Chapter 14: Sections 14.1-14.5
Chapter 19: Sections 19.1-19.3
Chapter 20: All sections
Chapter 21: All sections

Final curriculum: here


Old exam problems

2011-11-15, Per Kristian Hove