
Important: Our final exam review sessions are scheduled for Tuesday May 3rd and Friday May 6th from 12:15 to 14:00 in room 922 of Sentralbygg 2. (It was a stroke of genius to realize that I can reserve a room on the same floor as my own office; of course, this came after first trying all other possibilities, making a reservation for a room with no blackboard etc).

15 April: Homework 11 is now posted.

7 April: The 10th homework set is now posted.

31 March: The assumptions in problem 6 and the hint in problem 7 of HW9 have been corrected.

15 March: The 9th homework set has been updated.

Also, I remind you that the class on Thursday March 17th is canceled (well, we've made up for it already). Have a nice spring break and see you all on Thursday March 31st.

14 March: Typo in problem 10 of Homework 8 fixed.

Also, please write down nicely problems 9 and 10 from this assignment and hand them over to me after the spring break.

A new but incomplete problem set Homework 9 was added.

7 March: With much delay, Homework 8 is now posted.

26 February: Homework 7 is now posted.

Very important: As I've mentioned in class a little while ago, our classes on Thursday March 17 are canceled.

We will make-up for that lecture on Monday March 7 from 12:15-14:00 in S Rom 265. (I had previously said that we would meet on Monday February 29, but I am no longer available then).

23 February: Homework 6 has been updated with the addition of two more problems related to today's lecture.

We had a reference group meeting. We discussed the lecture, homework assignments and the final exam. It seems that the students are comfortable and pleased with the pace and structure of the lectures, as well as with the choice of the homework problems, which complement well the topics taught in class. The students also find it helpful to have the lecture focused more on conceptual aspects, ideas and the big picture, leaving certain technical matters as exercises. It was indicated that following the course material is largely dependent upon taking good notes in class, although the resources listed in the course material section of the class website should be a good substitute for self study. A note regarding the final oral exam: each student will have some time to think about the questions given, before presenting the answers on the blackboard. We still have to find some days for the examination (I suggested the beginning of May). In conclusion, the feedback was mostly positive and the class is expected to proceed in a similar manner.

19 February: Homework 6 is now posted. I may add a few more problems after the lecture on Tuesday.

16 February: Homework 5 is now updated with a few more problems.

13 February: A couple of basic probabilities problems are now posted here. I will add more serious problems after the lecture on Tuesday.

8 February: Homework 4 is now (a little late) posted here.

Very important: The exercise session is now in room S23. Also, this room is available to us for another hour after the class. We will then use this time as an office hour. So any question you might have about class, and which I do not get the chance to answer during the exercise session, I could answer right after.

29 January: Homework 3 is now posted here. I have also updated homework 2 by transferring the last two problems over to homework 3. As mentioned in the exercise session yesterday, your first assignment to be graded is writing down the proof of the Lebsgue-Radon-Nikodym theorem with all the details –well, for the \(\sigma\)-finite part you may just give the idea.

22 January: The reference group members and their email addresses are now posted at the bottom of the course information. I plan on having a reference group meeting next week, so please communicate with them your thoughts on the class so far.

22 January: Homework 2 is now posted here. On Tuesday, in class, we will still discuss some things that are related to the last two problems, but I think you can solve them already.

15 January: Homework 1 is now posted here. Please try to solve all problems before our exercise session on Thursday and prepare a list of questions to ask me.

Very important: The following changes to our schedule have been made.

  • The Tuesday lecture is now in room MA23.
  • The Thursday lecture is now in room F3.
  • The exercise lecture is now on Thursday 16:15-17 in room MA24.

These classrooms are larger, and they should have all we need.

11 January: Happy new year and welcome back to school. Our first class is on Tuesday 12 January at 10:15 in room R80.

2016-05-02, silviusk