Spring 2019

MA2501 Numerical Methods

Welcome to all of you who have signed up for this course.

Course lecturer: Elena Celledoni


13.05 Suggested solution to the exam.
05.05 Here is the attachment to the exam paper containing the useful formulae for the exam. For a guidance on what to remember (which will not be included in the appendix to the exam paper) look instead at this list of formulae, concepts and results.
02.05 Exam from 2017 exercise 3a, some information is missing in the exercise text. The exercise can be solved under the additional requirement that “the quadrature formula is to be exact for polynomials up to degree 3”.
30.04 The curriculum is specified under Lecture plan
30.04 The total grades for the project work is now published at Ovsys. If you have not handed in any project exercises, you can still take the exam, but remember that the project work counts 30% of the final grade.
29.04 Today there will be a section of questions and answers at the usual lectures time (12-15). It will tentatively take place in my office, room 1346 central building II, Gløshaugen campus. In case several students show up, we will move to a bigger room. In this case I will leave a message on my door so that you can find the room.
26.04 Here is a link to old exams with solution for MA2501. Please find in the following a list of the exercises which are not relevant for our curriculum, listed exam by exam. Exam 2017 exercise 3, only part a is relevant. Exam 2016, exercise 3 is not relevant. Exam 2015, problem 3 is not relevant. Exam 2013 (regular not continuation) exercise 2 is not relevant. Exam 2011, problem 6 is relevant but difficult because we have not discussed methods of this type in class. Exam 2010, problem 3 is not relevant. Same exam, exercise 4a and 4e were not covered in class.
9.04 The last part of the project will be corrected during the easter week, and each group will get feedback in ovsys. Each students overall grade for the whole project will be published a bit later than that, but it will not take too long. The grade will be given in ovsys.
26.03 The sum in the formula in the Romberg integration was wrong, and is now updated.
21.03 An updated version of project 3 has been uploaded.
20.03 Project part 3 is now published at Assignments. This part will also count 10%, and will also be a group work. The deadline is April 12th. If you decide not to work in the same groups as in project 2, please send an email to Tale. The first exercise session where you can get help for this part of the project is Thursday March 21.
20.02 Project part 2 is now published at Assignments.
18.02 Information about the second part of the project: The next part of the project will count 10% of the final grade, and the deadline will be March the 7th. This will be a group project, with 1-3 members of each group. You can choose the group yourself, but you are recommended to choose a group where at least one of the members feels confident with programming. Please send an email to Tale before Monday 25. February with the group members. If you don't have a group (and don't want to work alone), you can send an email to Tale. The project will be published Wednesday 20. February, and it should be handed in as a Jupyter Notebook file, so if you are unfamiliar with this, you are encouraged to install Anaconda and try it out (see https://wiki.math.ntnu.no/anaconda/start).
18.02 If anyone does not have access to Nullrommet, please send an email to Tale so your student card can be updated.
11.02 Thursday 14th there will be no regular exercise class in Nullrommet. However, if you have questions about the problem sets from the lectures, I will be available Thursday 8:15 to 10 in my office (Central building 2, 13th floor) for discussing these exercises with you. In the interest of time, it would be great if you could let me know which questions you want to discuss by Wednesday 10th.
08.02 There have been requests to move the deadline for Assignment 2 to Sunday 10. This is OK with me, as long as the system for submitting the assignments accepts late submissions. In case this does not work, send your answers via e-mail directly to Tale.
06.02 Due to different information regarding the deadline of Assignment 2 on ovsys and the wiki page, the final deadline will be February 7th.
05.02 As told in class on Monday, when you are asked to plot the spectral radius in exercise 2 in assignment 2, you should plot n vs rho to the power n, where rho is the spectral radius. Compare this plot for the different spectral radiuses.
03.02 In exercise 1 in assignment 2 there was a typo on how to find the convergence. It should be k+2 in the numerator, not the denominator. The exercise set is now updated.
30.01 Information about grading of the project exercises: You will get a written feedback at each assignment of the project, but not any specified points or grade.
29.01 The help file for Assignment 2, A_matrix.py, had the line "dx = n", which is now changed to "dx = 1/n" to avoid confusion.
25.01 Information about assignment work counting for the final mark of this course. Assignment 1 and 2 count for the first 10% of your final mark. The assignments were published in January with deadline in January/February. The next 10% will be from work done in February/March and the last 10% will be from work done in March/April. The next assignment will be tentatively published around the 18th of February.
24.01 The program a_matrix.py for Assignment 2 has been updated, as it did not not work on all computers
18.01 Assignment 2 has been uploaded. The deadline is January 31st
17.01 Since the exercise session time on Thursdays did not suit everyone, the exercise sessions will last from 8 to 12, starting next week. If this still does not fit, please send an email to tale.b.ulfsby@ntnu.no
15.01 Problem 3 in Assignment 1 has been updated, so the interval for the function is now [1, 5], not [-1, 5]
15.01 The program from class (with some modifications) is uploaded in the lecture plan. It is written in Python 2, but should be compatible with Python 3
11.01 We will divide the first part of the project work (first 10%) in two assignments, the first one published today. The first assignment will be published today and will be supervised on January 17th and on January 24th. The deadline of submission is January 24th. The second assignment will be published on January 18th and will be supervised on January 24th and on January 31st. The deadline of submission is January 31st. These two assignments together will count for 10 % of the final mark.
11.01 Dear students next Monday (January 14th) there will be 2 hours of regular lectures (12:15-14) and one hour of introduction to Python (14:15-15). Don't miss it!!
03.01 Welcome to the web page for MA2501 Numerical methods.

General information

Lectures and exercises


  • Monday 12:15 - 15:00 in room MA24 Grønnbygget, NTNU Gløshaugen MA24

Exercise and project session:

  • Thursday 08:15 - 12:00 in Nullrommet, starting January 17th.

Lecture plan

The lecture plan contains a weekly plan for the lectures and the teaching materials used to prepare them. The lecture plan will be updated weekly during the semester.

Assignments and project page

In this webpage we will publish the assignments and the project.


Teaching assistant

Reference group

Name e-mail
Steffen Haug steffeah (at) stud.ntnu.no
Katrine Steen Langvik katrinsl (at) stud.ntnu.no
Ferdinand Tomek Marnburg ferdintm (at) stud.ntnu.no

Text book and other teaching material

  • An introduction to Numerical Analysis, by Endre Süli and David Mayers
  • Supplementary notes


See lecture plan for a detailed curriculum. All exercise sets and old exam sets, the material of the project work are part of the curriculum. Be aware that changes might apply during the semester. The lecture plan will be updated weekly during the semester.


  • Time: 13.05.2019, kl. 15:00.
  • Examination aid C: Specified, written and handwritten examination support materials are permitted. A specified, simple calculator is permitted.

Permitted written aids:

  • Will be specified later.
Evaluation system and marking in this course
  1. The project counts for 30 % of the final mark. The final exam counts for 70 %.
  2. Note that if you do not hand in the project you will be able to get a final result of 70/100 maximum, that is at most the mark C.
  3. You get credit only for project work made during this semester.
  4. The total mark is the only official mark for the course.
2020-01-06, Elena Celledoni