30.06.: Added statistics about the exam.
26.06.: Uploaded solutions for the first exam.
10.06.: Uploaded the first exam.
08.04.: (Major) Update of the curriculum.
04.04.: Added the results of the project.
04.04.: Uploaded the solutions for exercise sheet 9.
28.03.: Uploaded the exercise sheet for Apr 02.
28.03.: Update of the lecture plan.
28.03.: Uploaded the solutions for exercise sheet 8.
19.03.: Uploaded the exercise sheet for Mar 26.
17.03.: I have added some of my previous exams. Unfortunately they are all in German, but I think that they should be not too difficult to understand.
07.03.: Uploaded the solution for exercise set 7.
27.02.: Uploaded the exercise sheet for Mar 05.
21.02.: Uploaded the solution for exercise set 6.
12.02.: Uploaded the exercise sheet for Feb 19.
11.02.: Uploaded notes on fixed point iterations.
07.02.: Uploaded the exercise sheet for Feb 12.
06.02.: Uploaded solutions for exercise set 4.
30.01.: Uploaded solutions for exercise set 3.
24.01.: Uploaded the exercise sheet for Jan 29.
23.01.: Uploaded solutions for exercise set 2.
17.01.: Uploaded the exercise sheet for Jan 22 and the solutions to exercise sheet 1.
16.01.: Uploaded a corrected version of exercise sheet 1.
14.01.: The room for the exercise sessions has changed.
13.01.: Added solutions to exercise sheet 0 including a few very short Matlab files.
10.01.: Added the exercise sheet for the session on Jan 15.
08.01.: Reference group updated.
06.01.: The first exercise (mainly an introduction to Matlab) has been added.
30.12.: The lecture will be held in English (simply because I do not yet speak Norwegian). I apologize for the inconvenience.
30.12.: The lecture starts on Wednesday Jan 08 at 08:15 in EL1.