MA2401 Geometri (våren 2020 )
Update on curriculum, Øvinger and lectures after Easter (8.4.2020)
Dear all,
here comes an update on the course and the exam:
1) Curriculum: We decided that regarding the continually challenging situation, we will stick to the curriculum that was announced to be the tentative curriculum on 14.3.
That means that in difference to the course curriculum of the previous years, the exam will cover not parts of chapters 10 and 11 of the book, but we will restrict ourselves to the contents of chapters 1-6 and 8 that was covered in the lectures so far.
2) Øvinger and exercises: We have published exercises concerning chapters 6 and 8 under the title Øvinger 10 and Øvinger 11. These exercises are not asked to be handed in for correction, except for the case that you did not fulfil the requirement of 5 accepted Øvinger so far! If you have not completed 5 accepted Øvinger yet, you may hand in one or both of these, as described further down (see section Øvinger).
3) Lectures after Easter: We will use the time after Easter to repeat the contents of the course, and not work on new chapters of the book.
In this context, I would like to arrange a live lecture meeting on Blackboard Collaborate at Friday, 17.4., 14:00-16:00. At this occasion, we can discuss contents of the course that you wish to be explained again. In order to use this lecture properly, you are asked to send me questions via e-mail in advance, and name those parts of the lectures that you are particularly interested in (this could be a theorem, a proof, an exercise or a whole section of the book, if necessary). Of course, you will also be able to ask questions during that lecture (that is part of why we do this), but in order to prepare the lecture such that you can profit most of it, you
- need to prepare yourself for the lecture at 17.4. extensively by starting to work through the course contents and
- send me those subjects where you need or wish an explicit repetition per e-mail.
Please send me an email with your questions until 15.4. If necessary, we have more lecture time slots after 17.4. that we can use if we cannot cover all your questions in the first Collaborate meeting.
On 14.4. (the first lecture after Easter, Tuesday), I am planning to publish another video lecture (but, as described above, without going into new sections of the book).
4) Questions concerning the form of the exam: I am recently working out what the technical circumstances of the home exam that we will have at 4.5. allow. For now, I can tell you that parts of the exam will require handwritten solutions, that you will have to upload. As far as I know, the exam time will be extended by 15 minutes in order to allow you to do this after you finished working on the tasks.
I hope that I will be able to tell you more soon. Please note that I would like to dedicate the Collaborate Lecture on 17.4. mainly to questions concerning the contents of the course. There will be enough time to inform you about more details concerning the form of the exam after this.
So far, I recommend you to prepare yourself as for every other, “traditional” exam that you took part in, and to start soon with this.
I wish you all a nice Easter!
Best regards,
Update concerning the exam (30.3.2020)
I received several requests concerning the exam. Here, some decisions were already made, but there are still many open questions that will be answered in the next weeks.
You can find an FAQ concerning the exams that might cover some of your questions here:
Regarding our course, the following is already known:
- There will be no exam requiring physical presence on the campus.
- There will be a home exam using Inspera.
- The exam will take place on the same date and within the same time period as originally planned.
- Instead of using the normal grades A-F, the exam will be graded just as passed/failed.
- According to the official quide for home exams, all exam support material will be allowed.
There are some details that were not decided yet, including e. g. if there will be an opportunity to upload photos of drawings etc. that might be part of the exam. Concerning this point, I can yet just quote the official information from the FAQ section:
It will be possible to conduct home exams where students need to draw or do calculations by hand.
The solution requires students to digitalize sketches themselves, for example using the camera on their mobile phone, and submitting them digitally in Inspera. We recommend designing the exam paper to use the functionality in Inspera Assessment, but only asking students to upload one or a very limited number of PDF files with hand drawings / calculations. Information on various solutions and recommendations are being prepared and will be posted on Innsida as soon they are ready.
Best wishes,
On Blackboard (section “Undervisningsmateriell” of the course page), you can now download a video recording of lecture 21, using the gap texts.
Some words on this:
I have recorded a lecture with the gap texts of lecture 21. It is available on the course page on Blackboard and should help to substitute the participation in the normal lecture.
Please note the following:
- The videos are developed “on the fly”, that means that they have similar imperfections as a live talk during a lecture, not the quality of professional educational videos. I produce them in my home office. Let me know if you have problems using them, or if you find mistakes that you consider as important to be corrected in the videos.
- Since upload volume is restricted, I have to split each lecture into several videos.
- From now on, you will also find the gap texts at the same place in Blackboard.
- Please respect that the videos are just produced for you personal use to learn in this course. Do not reproduce them or pass the videos forward to other persons.
Contact me if you have questions on the contents of the lecture. If you are interested in an online meeting to ask question, write me, then I try to arrange this.
A remark:
I decided to offer you videos instead of a live online lecture in order to allow you more flexibility when and how to learn with it.
Nevertheless, do not postpone the work with the videos too much to the future! Otherwise, you will notice that there is not enough time in the end. Try to stick to a schedule where you work with the video-lecture twice per week, as if it was the usual lecture.
Best wishes,
Update (14.3.2020)
Dear all,
I have some news concerning our course.
1) Øvinger: We decided that regarding the current situation, we will lower the requirements concerning the Øvinger: Instead of 6, you will need 5 Øvinger which are graded as accepted to be allowed to participate in the exam.
There are still Øvinger 8 and 9 that can be handed in. Please use electronic ways to send them to your tutors, and avoid to hand in written solutions on Campus. You can use ovsys or send them to your tutors directly. Please contact me or Christian if you struggle with passing the 5 accepted Øvinger-criterion and need to hand in more Øvinger to pass.
We might publish later more exercises that you, if you wish, can work on in order to prepare yourself for the exam.
2) Curriculum: We also decided about a tentative curriculum for the remaining course. This is based in the assumptions that the current situation will stay for a couple of more weeks, and we will keep you posted if somethings changes.
The tentative curriculum is published in a new section on this page (see below).
3) Gap texts: I will publish gap texts as before on ovsys. You can use them to work through the book and fill the gaps for yourself. I am recently working on more digital materials, see next point.
4) Lectures: Since Friday, I got access to Blackboard and am figuring out how we can use it. I am working on digital materials that will be published in order to at least partially substitute for the knowledge transfer that usually happens in the lectures. I will let you know more about this in the coming days.
Please already check out for yourself if you can find the course page for Geometri MA2401 on Backboard and have access to all materials there (I uploaded the Excursus notes in the section “Undervisningsmateriell”, please check if you can download this. Otherwise contact me).
5) Exam: So far, I have no new information about this. For now, assume that the exam will take place as it was announced.
Best regards and take care,
Dear all,
as you most likely know, teaching on campus is not permitted until 26.3. (see, so the normal lectures and tutor group meetings on campus will not take place on Friday 13.3. and in the following time until at least 26.3.
At the moment, we are working on alternative teaching methods. We will inform you here as soon as we know more.
Until then, you can continue with working through the excursus course notes, that were also used for the lecture on Tuesday: Notat om Morleys teorem, Eulerlinjen og nipunktsirkelen..
I hope all of you stay healthy.
Best regards,
- Rom 932, Sentralbygg 2
Christian Skau er øvingsansvarlig.
Den offisielle hjemmesiden for kurset har informasjon om eksamen og annet.
Tuesday 8:15 – 10:00 in room S5, Sentralbygg 2
Friday 14:15 – 16:00 in room EL6, Gamle elektro
Curriculum (14.3.2020, updated 8.4.2020)
The following tentative curriculum is based on the current situation that does not allow teaching on campus.
- Chapters. 1–4
- Chapters 5.1-5.5
- Notat*, replacing Chapter 5.6 of the book. Focus on the central concepts like orthocenter, centroid, circumcenter, Euler line, Morley equilateral triangle, and the theorems associated with these concepts. You don't need to be able to reproduce the proofs of the theorems.
- Chapters 6.1–6.3
- Chapters 8.1–8.3
Om øvingene
Det vil bli gitt 9 ukentlige øvinger. Du må ha 5 godkjente øvinger for å få gå opp til eksamen. (Gjelder ikke om du har godkjente øvinger i emnet fra tidligere år.) Jobb en del med øvingen før du går til veiledningstimen! Da utnytter du din egen og stud.assens tid bedre.
NB! Det gis to ekstra øvinger (Øving 10 og Øving 11),se nedenfor under ØVINGSOPPGAVER.
Om innlevering
Innleveringsfrist: Mandag kl. 12:15 uka etter at øvingen veiledes.
For å sjekke hvilken gruppe du tilhører og skal levere øving til, kan du sjekke ovsys (merk at gruppa du skal levere til ikke nødvendigvis sammenfaller med gruppenummeret øverst på listen du skrev deg på i forelesning, så du må sjekke denne linken).
Øvingene skal fortrinnsvis leveres på papir i merkede hyller i 3. etasje i sentrallbygg 2, like ved matteland. Dersom du ikke har mulighet til å levere øvingen i papirform, for eksempel på grunn av bosted i annen by eller reise, kan du levere en skannet versjon i øvingssystemet ovsys.
Dersom du ønsker at studass skal skrive kommentarer på øvingen din, må du du skrive "ønsker kommentarer" øverst på øvingen du leverer inn. For å få grundig retting må du levere på papir.
Du kan sjekke hvor mange godkjente øvinger du har på ovsys.
The tutor group meetings will start in the second week of the semester. There will be four groups at the following times:
- Monday 14:15 – 16:00, Rom:VA2; Studass: Jens Erik Kveen, e-post jensek at
- Tuesday 18:15 – 20:00, Rom: R91; Studass: Kelsey Marleen Mol, e-post kelseymm at
- Wednesday 16:15 – 18:00, Rom: R73; Studass: Cecilie Bjørnsdotter Raustein, e-post cecilrau at
- Thursday 12:15 – 14:00, Rom: K26; Studass: Eirik Ward Hjelvik, e-post eirik.hjelvik at
Dersom du sliter med å finne et rom, kan det være god hjelp i Mazemap.
Øving 1
Frist: 27. januar.
1.6: 3
2.4: 7, 10, 12
3.2: 12, 22, 24d
3.3: 1, 2, 5
Øving 2
Frist: 3. februar.
3.2: 6,15
3.3: 4
3.4: 1,2
3.5: 1,2,4
Øving 3
Frist: 10. februar
3.5: 3,5,6
3.6: 1,2
3.7: 2
Øving 4
Frist: 17. februar
4.1: 1
4.2: 1,2,3,4,5
Øving 5
Frist: 24.februar
4.3: 1,2,3,4,8
4.4: 1,2,3
Øving 6
Frist: 2.mars
4.5: 1,2
4.6: 1,2,5
4.7: 1,2,6
Øving 7
Frist: 9.mars
4.8: 1,2,5,8,10
5.1: 2,3
Øving 8
Frist: 16.mars
5.1: 1,9
5.3: 1,2,3
5.4: 1,3
Øving 9
Frist: 23. mars
5.6: 5,11,14
NB! Vi gir to ekstraøvinger,der kun de som ikke har nok godkjente øvinger(altså 5) for å gå opp til eksamen ,skal levere inn for godkjennelse. Innleveringen skal skje elektronisk. Merk at innleveringsfristen for både Øving 10 og Øving 11 er onsdag 22 april. Da blir også løsningsforslagene tilgjengelige på ovsys (under Øvinger).Vi anbefaler alle studenter til å arbeide med disse øvingene.
Øving 10
Frist: 22 april
6.1: 1,4,5
8.1: 2,3
Øving 11
Frist: 22 april
8.1: 6
8.2: 1
8.3: 1,2,3
We will use the book by Gerard A. Venema: Foundations of Geometry (second edition, ISBN-10: 0-13-602058-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-602058-5)
Lørdager 10-13 arrangerer Per og Kari Hag mattehjelp i KJL4. Der kan dere blant annet få hjelp til geometrifaget. Første gang blir 18. januar.
Week 2: Chapter 1, Chapter 2.1 and 2.2
Week 3: Chapter 2.3, Proof of Theorem 2.6.2, Chapter 3.1-3.3 (until Axiom 3.3.2)
Week 4: Rest of Chapter 3.3, Chapter 3.4-3.5 (until 3.5.5 Linear Pair Theorem)
Week 5: Rest of Chapter 3.5, Chapters 3.6, 3.7
Week 6: Chapter 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 until 4.3.2
Week 7: Chapter 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 until the proof of 4.5.2
Week 8: Rest of Chapter 4.5, Chapters 4.6 and 4.7. The GeoGebra applet used in lecture 14 (21.2.2020) can be downloaded from ovsys.
Week 9: Chapter 4.8, 4.9 and 5.1.
Week 10: Chapter 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5. Chapter 5.6 is replaced by an excursus based on notes that are available at ovsys.
Week 11: Excursus based on the notes available at ovsys.
Byrne’s Euclid -The First Six Books of The Elements of Euclid With Coloured Diagrams and Symbols:
Please note
The gap texts for the lectures are available for download at ovsys. You find them in the section "Øvinger".
The notes for the excursus in week 10 and 11 are also available there.
Exam and solution
Exam (4.5.2020), in English
Exam (4.5.2020), in Norwegian
Solutions (in English)