MA1202 Lineær algebra med anvendelser - vår 2015

Aktuelle beskjeder

  • NEW!: Løsningsforslag for øvinger 2016 ligger her.
  • NEW!: August eksamen ligger her. Fasit/løsningsforslag vil ikke komme med det første.
  • Detailed solutions to the exam problems are here. In order to see all symbols, you may have to download the file and then open it in e.g. Adobe Acrobat.
  • Here is the list with all slides from the lecture.
  • Review for the final exam: As promised, we have two review sessions for the final exam, scheduled as follows:
  Location: KJL2
  Date: onsdag, 20.05.2015
  Time: 10:15-12:00


  Location: KJL2
  Date: fredag, 22.05.2015
  Time: 12:15-14:00

I will choose some relevant problems to discuss, as we have done lately, but you may also bring your own questions.

  • Note: Well, I was mistaken regarding the end of instruction at IME (I guided myself after the general NTNU academic calendar). The last day of lectures was the 21st of April. However, I will teach review lectures almost as initially planned. More precisely, we meet on Thursday the 23rd of April at the usual Thursday time and place, and then again next week on Thursday, usual time and place. We do not meet on Monday morning next week (I will let you guess why). I plan the same meetings before the final exam as discussed in class. If there are any changes (say the classroom is not available and we have to use another one), I will announce it here, so please check this page.
  • We had our second reference group meeting on Monday, March the 16th. We discussed having a couple of review sessions for the final exam. One would be around the 20th of May, the other closer to the exam (which is scheduled for the 26th of May). The exact dates and times will be chosen after consultation with all students. One concern raised during the meeting was that the homework assignments are sometimes ahead of the lecture, which forces students to read ahead the material. While this in itself can be helpful, it may be more difficult if there is too material to be read ahead. We also discussed the pace of the lecture, the pace of presenting the proofs, and the fact that while we may end up covering fewer applications, we will nevertheless cover all theoretical topics thoroughly. To summarize, the feedback was mostly positive.
  • Important: Regarding the deadline for delivering your homework. You have different deadlines, some of you on Wednesdays, some on Fridays, some on Mondays. I have decided that from now on, you may deliver your homework on Mondays, so you all have the same deadline and more time. This applies to the current homework as well. You are encouraged, of course, to do your homework as early as you can.
  • Note: Homework 7 (aka Øving 7) has been slightly modified: exercises from section 6.5 were moved to the next assignment (Øving 8).
  • A summary of the 6th chapter, on inner product spaces, is contained here: inner_products.pdf.
  • Note: Homework 2 (aka Øving 2) has been slightly modified (for some of the exercises with several parts, a), b), c) etc, you only need to solve one or two parts).
  • A summary of the 4th chapter, on vector spaces, is contained here: vector_spaces.pdf.
  • We had our first reference group meeting on Thursday 15.1. The feedback was mostly positive.There were comments regarding the pace of the lecture: while at the current pace most students can follow well, some are concerned that it might be too slow, thus possibly leading to a more challenging end of the semester, when the pace might pick up too much. Another comment made was that it would be helpful for some students to have the homework assignments posted as a pdf file online, in case they have older editions of the textbook.
  • Første forelesning mandag 08:15 i KJL5.


Silvius Klein
Kontor: rom 902, Sentralbygg 2
Epost: silviusk(at)
Telefon: 735 93695
Treffetid: Mandag 11-12


   Mandag    08:15-10:00   KJL5
   Torsdag   12:15-14:00   KJL2


Magnus Landstad
Kontor: rom 1054, Sentralbygg 2
Epost: magnusla(at)math(dot)ntnu(dot)no
Vennligst merk epost med "MA1202" i emnefeltet!



Det kan bli litt startproblemer første uke, 12-16. jan. Første uke så møt opp helst der du hører hjemme. Hvis ikke det passer velg en annen gruppe, og lever til denne.

Foreløpig er gruppe 2 kansellert. For studenter i ÅMATSTAT og andre som ikke vet hvor de hører hjemme, lever til den gruppa du evt følger med frist dagen etter kl 1200. Skriv på besvarelsen studieprogram og hvilken gruppe du følger.

   1  Tirsdag   10:15-12:00  KJL21, KJL24 BMAT    Elisabeth Jørstad (elisabeth.jorstad(at)
   (2  Tirsdag   10:15-12:00  K27          ÅMATSTAT m. fl. )  %
   3  Tirsdag   12:15-14:00  K27          BFY  Gudmund Gunnarsen (gudmun92(at)
   4  Torsdag   10:15-12:00  KJL21, KJL22 BMAT   Eirik Skrettingland (eirikskr(at)
   5  Fredag    10:15-12:00  R20          MLREAL   Knut Bjarte Haus (

Første uke vil stud.ass. for gruppe 1 og 4 primært være i KJL21, men dere kan også sitte og arbeide i KJL24/22.

Husk innlevering i rett hylle, spesielt gjelder det de som hører til gruppe 2, som har ulike øvingstimer.


Referansegruppen er et bindeledd mellom studentgruppen og faglærer. Du finner mer informasjon om referansegrupper her.


2016-07-07, Magnus Brostrup Landstad