MA0301 Elementary discrete mathematics – Spring 2019
Welcome to the course elementary discrete mathematics. It addresses primarily students in computer science. The central aim is to present an introduction to the basic mathematical foundations of computer science.
- 16-08-2019: The solutions for the re-sit exam can be found here.
- 24-05-2019: The solutions for the exam can be found here.
- 11-04-2019: The extra exercise session today between 13:15-15:00 in S3 is canceled due to low turnout. If you have questions about the latest exercise set or about material from the course, you can find me (Mads) in my office (856) in the 8th floor of SBII until 15 o'clock. You can also reach me by email at mads.sandoy at
- 05-04-2019: The extra exercise sessions next week will be as follows: Wednesday 10.04 15:15-17:00 in S1; Thursday 11.04 13:15-15:00 in S3; and Friday 12.04 12:15-14:00 in R60.
- 01-04-2019: Please note: The exercise session from 15:15 to 17:00 today is in S5, not S3.
- 31-03-2019: Please note: There will be no exercise session tomorrow between 10:15 and 12:00 in K26 Kjemi 4. Group 1 is free to attend any of the other exercise sessions.
- 31-03-2019: Exercise set 12 will be include material from the last lectures of this course. Because of this, there will be exercise sessions next week after the lectures are held. Times and places for these will be announced. We suggest you use the exercise sessions this week to work on the parts of exercise set 12 you can work on, and to review material from the course. Exercise sets with solutions from previous years are available on the course pages for those years: 2017 and 2018.
- 14-03-2019: Note that there have been some slight corrections to exercise set 9.
- 08-03-2019: Since exercise 5 from exercise set 8 is not in one of the versions of the book in use, it is not counted as a starred exercise.
- 07-03-2019: Please note that exercise 7 in exercise set 8 is sensitive to your choice of conventions for the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers: If you assume the zeroth Fibonacci number is 0 and not 1, then you need to replace n+1 with n+2 in the left hand side of the equation in the exercise.
- 05-03-2019: Please note that there is an error in exercise set 8: Exercise 5 is Section 5.6, page 289, Exercise 17.
- 04-02-2019: Please note that to get an exercise set approved you will have to have made substantial attempts at at least 80% of a given exercise set and that this 80% must include the exercises with a star. Please also recall that both at least four out the first six exercises and the last six must be approved to take the exam. For example, if you have eight exercise sets approved in total, but only two or three of them are from the last six exercises, you will not be able to take the exam.
- 28-01-2019: Note that the deadline for handing in the exercise sets is 12:15 o'clock on the indicated dates/days.
- 23-01-2019: All exercises (not only those marked with a star) are relevant for the exam.
- 12-01-2019: The exercise session times and groups have been determined. They are available in the course information page on the sidebar to the left, or here.
- 07-01-2019: Note that the exercise class on Wednesdays from 12:15-14:00 for the study program BIT will be moved if possible (and canceled if not).
- 16-12-2018: The webpage is under construction. The course starts on Tuesday, January 8, 10:15, S7, SBII. Note: I plan to follow roughly the Spring 2016 lecture by I. Smit. More details will be given in the first lecture.