Special Issue
The conference participants were invited to submit papers for a Special Issue of the international journal “Journal of Applied and Numerical Optimization
(http://jano.biemdas.com)” dedicated to Christiane Tammer, with guest editors
Rosalind Elster (r [dot] elster [at] t [dash] online [dot] de)
Christian Günther (christian [dot] guenther [at] mathematik [dot] uni [dash] halle [dot] de)
Akhtar A. Khan (aaksma [at] rit [dot] edu)
Elisabeth Köbis (elisabeth [dot] kobis [at] ntnu [dot] no)
Markus A. Köbis (markus [dot] kobis [at] ntnu [dot] no).
All submissions were peer-reviewed. The published issue can be found here.