A conference in honour of Helge Holden


Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, and Stochastic Analysis
The Helge Holden Anniversary Volume

Published by the EMS in May 2018; edited by F. Gesztesy, H. Hanche-Olsen, E. R. Jakobsen, Yu. Lyubarskii, N. H. Risebro, and K. Seip.

ISBN print 978-3-03719-186-6, ISBN online 978-3-03719-686-1.

Available online at doi:10.4171/186

If we become aware of any misprints, a list of errata will appear here.

To report misprints, contact the author(s) (contact information at the end of the book) and Harald Hanche-Olsen, who will take care of it if the author(s) agree that it is indeed a misprint.

Cover of the proceedings

2018-05-06, Harald Hanche-Olsen