Add a hand-written signature to a PDF file
This page describes how to add your hand-written signature to a PDF file.
To sign Word files or other kinds of documents, first convert the file to a PDF file.
- Step 1: Open the PDF file in Acrobat Reader
- Step 2: Follow the instructions on, see the paragraph Sign or Initial your form.
- Step 1: Sign your name on a blank sheet of paper.
- Step 2: Add your signature to the Preview app by holding the sheet with your signature in front of your Mac's camera. Follow the instructions on, see the paragraph Create and use signatures.
- Step 1: Open the PDF file in Xournal.
- Step 2: Follow the instructions on You can either:
- Use the Draw tool to write on top of the PDF file, or
- If you have an image file containing your signature: Use the Image tool to add the image file to the PDF.