import sympy as sy import numpy as np import scipy.special as ss """ In this example we construct an approximation to the integral int_a^b K(x,y) rho(y) dy as described in the appendix A of the project desctiption; that is, we perform a Taylor series expansion of rho(), and then use the special function representation of the integral over polynomial. """ class analytical_solution: """ Evaluate the approximation to the force measurement corresponding to rho(x) = sin(omega*x) exp(gamma x) based on Nmax Taylor series terms. We do Taylor series expansion at (a+b)/2. Distance from the measurements to the mass density is d. """ def __init__(self,a,b,omega,gamma,Nmax): import time """ Initialize the object: do the Taylor series expansion etc """ self.a = a self.b = b # define symbols x,y,u = sy.symbols('x y u', real=True) # define a density function we want to integrate rho = sy.sin(omega*y) * sy.exp(gamma*y) # # make a Taylor series expansion of this density # up to Nmax terms rho_taylor = sy.series(rho,y,(a+b)/2,Nmax).removeO() # Now we substitute y=u+x and represent the result as a polynomial wrt u pu_coeffs = rho_taylor.subs(y,u+x).as_poly(u).all_coeffs() self.pu_coeffs_str = [] for coeff in pu_coeffs: self.pu_coeffs_str.append(str(coeff)) # for evaluation we would like to convert these functions # to lambda-function, but those cannot be stored (pickled) # we will store the lambda functions in the following list: self.cns = [] def perform_lambdification(self): """ Convert the extracted Taylor series coefficients to efficiently evaluatable functions """ x = sy.symbols('x') self.cns = [] for n in range(len(self.pu_coeffs_str)): # extract the polynomial coefficient corresponding to u^n as a function of x pu_coeff_n = sy.sympify(self.pu_coeffs_str[-1-n]) cn = sy.lambdify(x,pu_coeff_n,"numpy") self.cns.append(cn) def antideriv(self,u,d,n): """ Antiderivative of u^n/(d^2+u^2)^1.5 """ return u**(n+1) * ss.gamma(n/2+0.5)/ \ (2 * d**3 * ss.gamma(n/2+1.5)) * \ ss.hyp2f1(1.5,n/2+0.5,n/2+1.5,-(u/d)**2) def __call__(self,x_eval,d): """ Evaluate the initialized object at x_eval """ if self.cns == []: self.perform_lambdification() if np.isscalar(x_eval): x_eval = np.array([x_eval]) F_eval = np.zeros_like(x_eval) for n in range(len(self.cns)): F_eval = F_eval + d*self.cns[n](x_eval) * \ (self.antideriv(self.b-x_eval,d,n)-self.antideriv(self.a-x_eval,d,n)) return F_eval if __name__=='__main__': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time import pickle # # integration limits a = 0 b = 1 # d is the distance from the measurements in the kernel d = 2.5E-02 # we use rho(y) = exp(gamma*y)*sin(omega*y) as an example gamma = -2 omega = 3*np.pi # maximal order of the Taylor series expansion Nmax = 75 # evaluate the integral expression at x_eval N_eval = 50 x_eval = np.linspace(a,b,N_eval) start_t= time.time() F = analytical_solution(a,b,omega,gamma,Nmax) end_t = time.time() print("Initialization took %f s." % (end_t-start_t)) # Since the initialization is slow, we can store # the object in a file (pickle it). pickle.dump( F, open( "F.pkl", "wb" ) ) # ... much later, in a galaxy far, far away start_t= time.time() # Now, whenever we want, we can simply load the object from file # and use it try: F = pickle.load( open( "F.pkl", "rb" ) ) except: F = analytical_solution(a,b,omega,gamma,Nmax) F_eval = F(x_eval,d) end_t = time.time() print("First evaluation took %f s" % (end_t-start_t)) start_t= time.time() F_eval2= F(x_eval,d) end_t = time.time() print("Second evaluation took %f s" % (end_t-start_t)) # finally, plot the function plt.plot(x_eval,F_eval2, 'k') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('F(x)') plt.grid(True)