function [eyes,eyesum] = throw_dice(dices, throws, display) % A function for throwing dices which returns frequency of single eyes and % frequency of eyesum. % INPUT PARAMETERS % dices: # of dices to be thrown % throws: # of throws % display: 0 or 1, whether the function should plot histogram (1) or not (0) % OUTPUT PARAMETERS % eyes: how many 1's, 2's,...,6's we have thrown in total % eyesum: how many times each possible eyesum has occured eyes = zeros(6,2); eyes(:,1) = 1:1:6; min_sum = 1*dices; max_sum = 6*dices; eyesum = zeros(max_sum-min_sum+1,2); eyesum(:,1) = min_sum:1:max_sum; for i=1:throws u = 6*rand(1,dices); temp_eyes = ceil(u); temp_sum = sum(temp_eyes); for j=1:dices eyes(temp_eyes(j),2) = eyes(temp_eyes(j),2)+1; end eyesum(temp_sum-min_sum+1,2) = eyesum(temp_sum-min_sum+1,2)+1; end if(display==1) disp('Eyes Times') disp(eyes) disp('Eyesum Times') disp(eyesum) subplot(1,2,1) bar(eyes(:,2)); xlabel('Eyes'); subplot(1,2,2) bar(eyesum(:,1),eyesum(:,2)); xlabel('Eyesum'); set(gcf,'Color',[1,1,1]) end