import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp import scipy.sparse.linalg as sl import sys def Main_Program(): # Getting input data from the terminal. p = int(sys.argv[1]) # Polynomial degree. N = int(sys.argv[2]) # Number of intervals. sig = float(sys.argv[3]) # Sigma-parameter. a = eval(sys.argv[4]) # Left interval limit. b = eval(sys.argv[5]) # Right interval limit. u1 = eval(sys.argv[6]) # Left Dirichlet condition. u2 = eval(sys.argv[7]) # Right Dirichlet condition. # Assembly of the linear system. A,f = Assemble_Linear_System(p,N,sig,a,b) # Solving the linear system. u = Solve_Linear_System(A,f,p,N,u1,u2) # Calculating the global error. ERR = Compute_Global_Error(u,p,N,a,b) print(ERR) def Assemble_Linear_System(p,N,sig,a,b): # Initializing assembly parameters. T = np.linspace(a,b,N+1) # Uniform grid on the domain. h = (b-a)/N # Uniform element length. dim = N*p+1 # Degrees of freedom. A = np.zeros((dim,dim)) # Linear matrix. f = np.zeros(dim) # Load vector. X,W = Gauss_Data() # Gaussian quadrature data. # Starting the assembly. for i in range(0,N): A_e = (1/h)*Element_Matrix(p,"Stiffness") if sig != 0: A_e += h*sig*Element_Matrix(p,"Mass") A[p*i:p*(i+1)+1,p*i:p*(i+1)+1] += A_e f_e = Element_Vector(p,h,T[i],X,W) f[p*i:p*(i+1)+1] += f_e return A,f def Element_Matrix(p,type): if type == "Mass": if p == 1: return (1/6)*np.matrix([[2,1],[1,2]],dtype="float") elif p == 2: return (1/30)*np.matrix([[4,2,-1],[2,16,2],[-1,2,4]],dtype="float") elif type == "Stiffness": if p == 1: return np.matrix([[1,-1],[-1,1]],dtype="float") elif p == 2: return (1/3)*np.matrix([[7,-8,1],[-8,16,-8],[1,-8,7]],dtype="float") def Element_Vector(p,h,c,X,W): f_e = np.zeros(p+1) for i in range(0,len(X)): f_e += W[i]*Force(h*X[i]+c)*Basis_Functions(p,h*X[i]+c) f_e = h*f_e return f_e def Gauss_Data(): X = (np.array([-0.9061798459386641,-0.5384693101056831,0,0.5384693101056831, 0.9061798459386641])+1)/2 W = 0.5*np.array([0.23692688505618908,0.4786286704993664,128/225, 0.4786286704993664,0.23692688505618908]) return X,W def Solve_Linear_System(A,f,p,N,u1,u2): # Condensating the equation system. A = A[1:N*p,1:N*p] A = sp.csr_matrix(A) f = f[1:N*p] # Solving the system. u0 = sl.spsolve(A,f) # Enforcing Dirichlet conditions. u = np.zeros(N*p+1) u[1:N*p] = u0 u[0] = u1 u[N*p] = u2 return u def Compute_Global_Error(u,p,N,a,b): ERR = 0 h = (b-a)/N X,W = Gauss_Data() T = np.linspace(a,b,N+1) for i in range(0,N): e = 0 c = T[i] co = u[p*i:p*(i+1)+1] for j in range(0,len(X)): b = Basis_Functions(p,h*X[j]+c) u_ex = Exact(h*X[j]+c) e += W[j]*(,b)-u_ex)**2 e = h*e ERR += e ERR = np.sqrt(ERR) return ERR def Basis_Functions(p,x): if p == 1: return np.array([1-x,x]) elif p == 2: return np.array([(2*x-1)*(x-1),4*x*(1-x),x*(2*x-1)]) def Exact(x): # u = np.sin(np.pi*x) u = np.exp(-x**2) return u def Force(x): # f = np.pi**2*np.sin(np.pi*x) f = 4*(1-x**2)*np.exp(-x**2) return f Main_Program()