import numpy as np import scipy as sp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.tri as mtri # solves Poisson equation Lu = f for a given triangulation, L = -Laplacian # here supplied with simple uniform triangulation of unit square # homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions applied def g(x): return 10*np.sin(np.pi*x[0])*np.cos(np.pi*x[1]) def uniform_grid(n): # generate a set of points x,y=np.mgrid[0:n+1.,0:n+1.]/n p = np.vstack([x.flatten(),y.flatten()]) # construct triangulation of the points # this is not a good method for generating the uniform grid here! # it is used because p can be readily replaced by any set of points tri = sp.spatial.Delaunay(p.T) return tri def assemble(tri): N = tri.simplices.shape[0] M,d = tri.points.shape # initialize A = np.zeros((M,M)) f = np.zeros((M,1)) # used to construct stiffness Phi = np.hstack([np.eye(d),-np.ones((d,1))]) lbda = np.ones((d+1,1))/(d+1) for i in range(N): # collect vertex numbers ind = tri.simplices[i] # lookup vertex coordinates X = tri.points[ind,:] # Jacobian of forward mapping (uses transpose) J = X[0:d]-X[d] Jac=np.absolute(np.linalg.det(J)) # Gradient matrix # Note that J and Phi are transposes of what appears in the notes and # the matlab code, this is because python does not have a # 'matrix right division' like matlab G = np.linalg.solve(J,Phi).T # element stiffness A1 = ( # element load by 1-point barycentric quadrature bary = (X.T).dot(lbda) f1 = g(bary)*lbda*Jac/sp.math.factorial(d) # insert element stiffness/load into main f_ind=np.ix_(ind,ind) A[f_ind] = A[f_ind] + A1 f[ind] = f[ind] + f1 return A,f def main(n): # generate triangulation tri = uniform_grid(n) # assemble stiffness and load A,f=assemble(tri) # implement boundary conditions boundary=np.unique(tri.convex_hull) A[boundary]=0 f[boundary]=0 for j in boundary: A[j,j]=1 # solve system u=np.linalg.solve(A,f) # plot triang = mtri.Triangulation(tri.points[:][:,0],tri.points[:][:,1],triangles=tri.simplices) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.plot_trisurf(triang, u.ravel(), main(30)