~~NOTOC~~ ====== Topics ====== Below is a list of topics for this course. We might not be able to cover all of them, but the list is a good overview of the contents of the course. ===== Real numbers ====== * Basic properties * Supremum and infimum of sets * Open sets, closed sets, neighborhoods * Cauchy sequences, completeness * Density of the rational numbers * Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem ===== Normed spaces and innerproduct spaces ===== * Vector spaces and norms * \(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{C}^n\); sequence spaces \(\ell^1\), \(\ell^2\), \(\ell^\infty\); continuous functions on an interval \(C([a,b]\) * Innerproduct spaces: Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, parallelogram law, Pythagoras theorem, \(\ell^2\) * Bounded linear transformations between normed spaces and operator norm of a linear transformation, the space of bounded operators \(B(X,Y)\), condition number * Cauchy sequences, completeness, Banach and Hilbert spaces * Completeness of \(\ell^1\), \(\ell^2\), \(\ell^\infty\), \(C([a,b]\) with \(\|.\|_\infty\), \(B(X,Y)\) with operator norm * Equivalence of norms ===== Hilbert spaces ===== * Best approximation * Orthogonal projection, orthogonal decomposition * Fourier coefficients * Bessels's inequality * Orthonormal bases and Parseval's identity * Riesz theorem on linear functionals ===== Finite-dimensional vectors spaces and linear transformations ===== * Basis, dimension, subspaces, * Space of polynomials of finite degree, different bases * Linear transformations and matrices, rank of a linear transformation, nullity-rank theorem * Change-of-basis matrix and similar matrices * Eigenvalues, eigenspaces and generalized eigenspaces * Caley-Hamilton theorem * Jordan normal form and its application to linear systems of ODE * Adjoint of an operator. Self-adjoint, normal, positive definite and unitary operators * Spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators * LU decomposition * SVD-decomposition and pseudoinverse * QR-decomposition * Power series of operators ===== Metric spaces ===== * Open and closed sets, neighborhoods, Cauchy sequences, completeness * Continuous functions, uniformly continuous and Lipschitz functions * Banach fixed point theorem * Applications of Banach fixed point theorem: systems of equations, Newton iteration, Picard-Lindelöf theorem for ODE