TMA4212 Numerisk løsning av differensialligninger med differansemetoder

TMA4212 Numerical solution of differential equations by difference methods

Retae exam: August 20th 2010, form 10:00 in room 822
The retake of the exam will be an oral exam, contact Elena for agreen on a date (between 9th-20th August). Konteksam avholdes muntlig, ta kontakt med Elena for å bestemme dato (mellom 9. og 20. august).
The exam and the solution are now available here.
Poster presentation Tue 04.05. in 1329. We meet at 13:30 to hang the posters and at we try to be ready at 14:00 to start the presentation.
Printing the posters. Knut Erik Skare kan help with the printing in A3 format, using the A3 printers so that it will be just 8 sheets per person and less work to pach them together in a A0 poster. Take contact with Knut Erik about this, send him your posters and he will help you.
26.04.2010. We will look at the exam from spring 2007 in today's problem session.
19.04.2010. In the problem session April 26, we will go through some exam problems in room F2. The relevant problems will be posted here soon.
15.04.2010. If you need more time to finish the work of the project, you can get up to one more week to finish your work. New deadline Monday 26th of April.
14.04.2010. The material on finite element methods is now available under schedule. Translations of chapter 7 of the note will be provided soon.
12.04.2010. The semester project report must be marked with group number and candidate numbers for all members. No names or student numbers. Both the report and code should be sent to Håkon, not Elena.
04.04.2010. Next week Håkon will be responsible for supervision of the project work, which will be taking place also in the usual lecture hours. Monday 12th at 14:15 there is a numerical analysis seminar in room 1329. See title and abstract. Everybody is welcome.
25.03.2010. Summer school on Sparse Tensor Discretizations of High-Dimensional Problems. This is an interesting short course on numerical PDEs, a bit challenging for young students, but perhaps OK for the most eager ones. External link. Let me know if you are interested.
16.03.2010. On 07.04.10 and 08.04.10, instead of lectures, there will be supervision of project work in Nullrommet. Also, every Monday from 12.04.10 at 15:15-16:00, Håkon will be available at his office (1301) for questions.
13.03.2010. The minutes form the meeting with the reference group are now available in It's learning.
13.03.2010. On the 15th of March, Olivier Verdier will give a talk on Python for Scientific Computing (at 14:15 in 1329). If you are interested you are welcome to participate.
09.03.2010. There will be tutoring for the semester project in Nullrommet at Monday 15.03 as usual. Håkon is away from 17.03 to 29.03, but is available for appointments before and after that period. At 12.04 there will also be a tutoring session for the semester project in Nullrommet.
08.03.2010. Next Monday 15.03.2010 there will be a seminar on the programming language Python at 14:15 in 1329. Everybody is welcome. See seminars for more information.
24.02.2010. u_t+au_x=0 implies u_tt+au_xt=0 implies u_tt+a(u_t)_x=0 implies u_tt=a*au_xx and this equation fits the elementary definition of linear hyperbolic PDEs.
22.02.2010. There will be a meeting of the reference group on the 11th of march. If there are issues you want us to discuss, please inform the members of the reference group.
22.02.2010. This is the last week there will be lectures on Mondays. Next week: project work, there will be no lectures.
22.02.2010. Chapters 1-5 of the English translation of the note are now available. See Schedule.
19.02.2010. You should be able to solve most of the exercises on elliptic PDEs from the old exams at this point.
15.02.2010. The numbering of the solutions is now correct.
11.02.2010. The solutions to the problem set 2 and 3 is now available. (Note the numbering of the solutions is wrong, Håkon will fix this asap.
11.02.2010. The English version of chapter 4 of the note is available, under "Schedule".
05.02.2010. The English version of chapter 3 of the note is available, under "Schedule".
04.02.2010. You can look at the last exercise of problem set 3 and if you have time the first of problem set 5.
28.01.2010. You can start looking at the exercises of chapter 9 from the book, problem set 2 and problem set 3 exercises 1 and 2.
21.01.2010. You should already be able to solve question 1a,b,c, from the exam May 2009, and also the exercises for chapter 1 and 2 of the book.
The solutions of the exercises on the background material are now published in the exercises page.
The first two chapters of the note are now available. See Time schedule.
First class Wednesday 13th of January at 12:15.
From week 3 to week 8 included there will be regular lectures also on Mondays from 13:15 to 14 in F2. The exercise class will start in week 10.

Description of the course

In the following link you can find detailed information about the course, the main topics presented and the learning outcome.



Elena Celledoni, room 1346.

Exercise and project lecturer

Håkon Marthinsen. E-mail: Hakon.Marthinsen(at) - make sure to replace (at) with @ before sending.


  • Mondays 13:15–14, F2 (only from week 3 to week 8 included)
  • Wednesdays 12:15–14, F6
  • Thursdays 12:15–14, F2

See also class schedule.


  • Monday 13:15–14:00. Starts in week 10. Before that you can contact Håkon to get an appointment.
  • Exercises that do NOT require use of a computer will take place in F2.
  • Exercises that DO require use of a computer will take place in the computer lab "Nullrommet".

See also the exercise page.

Semester project

The semester project counts for 30 % of the final mark.

Reference group

  • Knut Erik Skare: knut.erik.skare(at)
  • Zerihun Kinfe Birhanu: birhanu(at)
  • Lars Dahle: larsda(at)

Text book and other teaching material

  • Finite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations: Steady-State and Time-Dependent Problems, Randall J. LeVeque, SIAM. More about the book here.
  • We will also use a note written by B. Owren.


Here are MATLAB files from the course and other MATLAB examples.

Vurderingsform og fastsettelse av karakter i kurset
  1. Semesteroppgaven teller 30 prosent av sluttkarakteren. Avsluttende eksamen teller 70 prosent av sluttkarakteren.
  2. Det er ikke obligatorisk å levere inn semesteroppgaven. Om man ikke leverer inn noen slik oppgave har man likevel adgang til eksamen. Men merk at da blir maksimalt oppnåelig resultat 70/100, dvs bokstavkarakter C.
  3. Man krediteres kun for semesteroppgave gjort i inneværende semester. Man får ingen kreditt for semesteroppgave innlevert i tidligere år kurset har gått.
  4. Totalkarakteren er den eneste offisielle karakteren i kurset. Det som legges ut av delkarakterer på disse hjemmesidene er uoffisielt, og kan vel egentlig ikke refereres til ved en eventuell klage.

Evaluation system and marking in this course

  1. The project counts for 30 % of the final mark. The final exam counts for 70 %.
  2. It is not compulsory to hand in the project in order to be admitted to the final exam. But note that in such case you will be able to get a final result of 70/100 maximum, that is at most the mark C.
  3. You get credit only for project work made during this semester.
  4. The total mark is the only official mark for the course. The marking of the project which will be published on these webpages is nonoffcial, and can not be referred to during a complaint.
2010-08-15, Elena Celledoni