ST2304 Statistisk modellering for biologer og bioteknologer, våren 2012


Plan and course content (preliminary)

1Dalgaard, kap. 1 Assignment 1 Norsk versjon Solution
2Plotting functions and parametric curves. Linear regression, residuals, prediction and confidence bands (Dalg. 6.1-6.3). Dalg. kap 3. Multiple regression (Dalg. 11.1, 11.2, Løvås, 7.5). Dummy variables. Assignment 2 Solution
3The F-distribution. Comparison of variances (Dalg. 5.4). One- and two-way analysis of variance with balanced design (Løvås 8.3, Dalg. 7). Factors encoded as dummy variables (Dalg. 12.3)Assignment 3 Google docs data file Solution
4Linear models without balanced design, model selection ( Handout 1, Dalg. kap 11.3) Assignment 4 Fill your predictions in here And the winner is... Solution
5The multinomial distribution, contingency tables, chi-square tests (Løvås 5.9.4, 8.5, Dalg. 8, Handout 2 not including 2.2.3).Assignment 5 Google docs spreadsheet for problem 1 Solution
6Generalized linear models: Logistic regression, deviance (Dalg. 13, excluding 13.3, Handout 4). The delta method Handout 3Assignment 6 Solution
7Probit- og cloglog-link, offset-variables Handout 4 Assignment 7 Google docs spreadsheet Solution
8Linear separation (Handout 4, sect. 4). Poisson response (Dalg. 1515.2). Overdispersion (Handout 4, sect. 6). Assignment 8 Updated solution
9Interaksjon mellom kovariater (Dalg. 12.5, 12.7.2). Litt om programmering (Dalg. 2.3) Assignment 9 Solution
10Numerical maximisation of the likelihood, asymptotic theory for approximate standard errors and likelihood ratio tests (Handout 5).Assignment 10 Solution
Excurions and easter-vacation (in week numbers 13 og 14)
11 (week 15)Simulation based methods (Handout 5, sect. 4)Assignment 11Solution
12 (week 16)Power and calculation of sample size (Dalg. 9). Simulation based power calculations (Handout 5, sect 4.5)Assignment 12 Solution
13 (week 17) Summary of the course

* The lectures for part 1 is in week number 2 with the associated assignment in week 2/3 and so on. Each assignment should be handed in by friday at 12:00 (in week 3 for assignment 1 and so on) by email according to this table.

Final exam

4. juni. The final exam will take the usual form, that is, without the aid of a computer or R. Permitted aids are a pocket calculator, Tabeller og formler i statistikk (Tapir forlag), Matematisk formelsamling (Rottmann), one handwritten yellow a4-sheet. Problems may include:

Remember that the final exam is not the objective of this course, the objective is to gain the practical experience with analysing data necessary in later research during your master degree and in order to be able to read and understand the primary literature. Some time after the last assignment (assignment 12) you will may be given a "trial exam"…